Oh, it’s such a perfect day. I’m glad I spent it with you. Vsadím se, že jste alespoň jednou tohle slyšeli Loua Reeda zpívat. Písnička Perfect Day patří k těm, na které jen tak nezapomenete, když už ji jednou slyšíte, a mimo jiné přímo vyzývá k tomu, abychom se s ní učili anglicky. Pojďme si tedy společně potrénovat poslechové dovednosti, píseň si přeložit a naučit se z ní spoustu nové užitečné slovní zásoby. Text písně se možná zdá na první pohled jednoduchý, ale má zajímavý skrytý podtext. Tak pojďme na to. Have fun learning English with music! 🙂
Ještě než se do toho pustíme, píseň Perfect Day si poslechněte a snažte se pochytit, o čem se v ní zpívá. Nakolik jste schopní porozumět textu na první poslech?
Perfect Day (Lou Reed)
[Verse 1]
Just a perfect day, drink Sangria in the park
And then later, when it gets dark, we go home
Just a perfect day, feed animals in the zoo
Then later, a movie too and then home
Oh, it’s such a perfect day
I’m glad I spent it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on
You just keep me hanging on
[Verse 2]
Just a perfect day, problems all left alone
Weekenders on our own, it’s such fun
Just a perfect day, you made me forget myself
I thought I was someone else, someone good
Oh, it’s such a perfect day
I’m glad I spent it with you
Oh, such a perfect day
You just keep me hanging on
You just keep me hanging on
You’re going to reap just what you sow
You’re going to reap just what you sow
You’re going to reap just what you sow
You’re going to reap just what you sow
Slovní zásobu z této lekce se můžete efektivně a zábavně učit v tomto kurzu na Memrise. Nevíte, co je Memrise? Mrkněte sem.
to get dark – setmít se (nepravidelné sloveso: get got got)
to feed – krmit, nakrmit (nepravidelné sloveso: feed fed fed)
such a perfect day – tak dokonalý den (such se pojí s podstatnými jmény)
to be glad – být rád
to spend a day with someone – strávit den s kým (nepravidelné sloveso: spend spent spent)
to hang on – držet se (ve smyslu přežít, zvládat něco, nepodléhat něčemu nebo se vyhnout problémům navzdory nelehké situaci) (nepravidelné sloveso: hang hung hung)
to keep someone hanging on – držet někoho nad vodou, podržet někoho (nepravidelné sloveso: keep kept kept)
to be left alone – být ponechán o samotě, zde spíše: nechat být co, nechat něco plavat
a weekender – výletník, rekreant
on our own – sami, jen my dva (bez společnosti jiných lidí)
to make someone forget oneself – zapomenout se díky komu, díky někomu úplně zapomenout, kdo jste (nepravidelné sloveso: make made made)
someone else – někdo jiný, někdo další
to reap what you sow – sklidit, co zaseješ, jaké si to uděláš, takové to máš
I hope you had as much fun as I did. Thank you so incredibly much for learning English with Lou Reed and me. Have a perfect day today, you all! 🙂
Pokud máte otázky, pište je do komentářů.
P.S. Slovní zásobu z tohoto videa se můžete učit a opakovat si v tomto kurzu na Memrise. Doporučuju to udělat, protože tak si je zábavnou formou upevníte do dlouhodobé paměti. 🙂 (Nevíte, co je Memrise? Více info zde.)
P.P.S. Pomáhají vám má videa či kurzy a chtěli byste mě podpořit? Můžete. Thank you very much, you’re the best of the best and I’m so grateful for you! 🙂
Proč se s angličtinou trápit, když to jde jinak? Pojďte se ji učit se mnou.
Efektivně a zábavně! :)
Hi, Markét
Such a perfect day I ‚ve been enjoying today. Right in the morning I went for a brisk stroll for half an hour to the forest. While my husband slept still 😉. When I came back home I we had breakfast in the garden. During the day I did gardening a little and some hosehold chores.
Right now we are going to Prague by car in order to see a play in Vinohradské theater. I was listening to the song twice and understood what was it about quite well. By for now 😘👋
Hi there, dear Eva,
such a perfect day you had today! Thank you so much for sharing it with me. 😘 I wish you an infinite number of perfect days like these. 😉
Just a little thing to point out. Pay attention to the correct word order in this sentence: I was listening to the song twice and understood what IT WAS about quite well. More about this in this video / blog post: https://englishhacker.cz/kdy-v-slovosledu-nejcasteji-chybujete-aneb-neprime-otazky/ 🙂
All the best,
Hi Market, thank you so much for the perfect lesson. I always love your music lessons and I learn a lot from them. It is the funniest way for me to learn English.
It is difficult for learners to discover all the hidden meanings behind the words without somebody else to explain the exact meaning. Thank you for your guidance. I feel like the writer honored the day he spent with his girlfriend. It was so nice that he didn’t need the next shot of drugs. I think that „you keep me hanging on“ really means „držíš mě nad vodou“.
I’ve read the background story which is also interesting and saw a recommended video by the BBC channel. The diversification of how to sing this song is amazing.
Once again: thank you for your effort, I enjoyed the lesson tremendously.
Hi there, dear Ivana,
I’ve already replied to your FB comment but just in case you miss the notification, here it is again:
I’m happy you find these English music lessons helpful and fun. I couldn’t agree more – it’s fascinating to go deeper and discover the meaning behind the words. There’s usually something that surprises us. I find that enriching. And as a bonus, you can learn a lot of new stuff about English. What’s not to love, am I right? 😉
Thank you so much for learning English with Lou and me today. Hope to hear from you soon!
Take care,